> Hi,
> My production environment is ubuntu, postgresql, uwsgi and nginx.
> The issue I'm having is when posting a form with a semi-large file (~2
> mb),
> where it keeps 'resetting' the % uploaded every 30 seconds up to 2 to 3
> times, and finally failing (with no specific error that I could see).
> I thought this could be fixed by setting a big number for uwsgi's harakiri
> option (which defaults to 60 secs), but that doesn't seem to help.
> What should I do to fix this and allow posting forms with semi-large files
> that take about a minute or so to upload?.
> Thanks!,
>    Carlos

Check your nginx error log, you are probably receiving a 413 error (entity
too large). By default the limit is 1 mb


Roberto De Ioris

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