Sorry, slight mistake -- it's:

python -S your_app -N -M

(I left off the .py in my original reply.)

Also, this assumes you have your own installation of Python and you are 
running the web2py source code version rather than the Windows binary 
version. If you are running the Windows binary version, instead of the 
above, do:

web2py -S your_app -N -M

Instead of asking Python to run the file, in this case, you're 
telling Windows to run the web2py.exe file.


On Tuesday, September 6, 2011 5:02:44 AM UTC-4, Ramos wrote:
> You are the man... :)
> 2011/9/6 Anthony <>
>> On Monday, September 5, 2011 12:18:28 PM UTC-4, Ramos wrote:
>>> hello, i dont like the shell in the admin because in windows i cannot 
>>> repeat last command also the pythonwin is way more friendly...
>>> 1 - in windows how can i do the shame as the admin shell using pythonwin 
>>> or just command line python?
>> I'm not sure you can use PythonWin, but open a command window (cmd.exe), 
>> change directory to your \web2py folder, and enter:
>> python web2py -S your_app -N -M
>> You'll get the web2py environment (including the models for your app) in a 
>> Python shell. Note, -N tells it to turn off cron, and -M tells it to run the 
>> models from your app. See 
>>> 2 - in windows in command line python how do i execute a function in a 
>>> controller?
>> When you run the web2py shell (as described above), you can tell it to run 
>> a particular controller and function:
>> python web2py -S your_app/your_controller/your_function -N -M
>> Note, you could also just do your_app/your_controller, and once you're in 
>> the shell, you can run any function within the controller.
>> Here's a simple batch file you can adapt -- when you click it, it will 
>> prompt you for an app (which can include app/controller/function), and it 
>> will change to the web2py folder and start the shell for you:
>> @echo off
>> set /P app="Enter web2py app/controller/function to run in the shell 
>> (controller/function optional): "
>> cd c:\path\to\web2py
>> python -S %app% -M -N
>> If you want a nicer command window in Windows, in any command window, 
>> click the icon in the upper left, and select Defaults from the menu. There 
>> you can change the window size and position, colors, etc., and the changes 
>> will affect all command windows.
>> Anthony

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