
You can contact me personally to solve the issue because it's really a
setting on your AS400. Are you AS400 guy ? If so, you can send me the
screen shot for the following.

Opt 2=Edit authority

By default, *public shulld be *CHANGE and authorization list = *NONE.

If you're secofr, you can also connect with QSECOFR.

On Sep 7, 9:18 am, Jim Steil <> wrote:
> No journaling is required if you change the commit mode to Commit
> Immediate (*NONE) as shown in the blog post.
>      -Jim
> On 9/7/2011 9:06 AM, DenesL wrote:
> > If I remember correctly from my tests a couple of years ago, the AS400
> > for some reason wants to journal the files (tables) created thru ODBC.
> > No journal is required when reading from existing tables.
> > Looking at the files in my WEB2PY library I see a data area specifying
> > the name of the journal:
> > Data area . . . . . . . :   QDFTJRN
> >    Library . . . . . . . :     WEB2PY
> > Type  . . . . . . . . . :   *CHAR
> > Length  . . . . . . . . :   100
> > Text  . . . . . . . . . :
> >             Value
> > Offset      *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
> >      0      'WEB2PY    QDFTJRN   *FILE                         '
> >     50      '                                                  '
> > and the journal and journal receiver files:
> > Object      Type      Library
> > QDFTJRN     *JRN      WEB2PY
> > QSQJRN      *JRN      WEB2PY
> > Obviously your user has to be authorized to use these objects.
> > Hope it helps,
> > Denes.
> > On Sep 7, 7:07 am, Ant nio Ramos<>  wrote:
> >> ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [IBM][Controlador ODBC do iSeries
> >> Access][DB2 UDB]SQL0551 - Not authorized to object AUTH_USER in MYLIB type
> >> *FILE. (-551) (SQLExecDirectW)')
> >> 2011/9/7 Omi Chiba<>
> >>>> How about using auth with as400 users. Is it possible?
> >>> I'm not sure about it since I'm still new for web2py but your problem
> >>> should be related to the permission just like your error says.
> >>> My library is like...
> >>> Object secured by authorization list  . . . . . . . . . . . .
> >>> *NONE
> >>> Object
> >>> User        Group
> >>> Authority
> >>> *PUBLIC
> >>> *CHANGE
> >>> *ALL
> >>> and my user has...
> >>> Special authority  . . . . . . . SPCAUT         *ALLOBJ
> >>> Maybe create new library and connect with the most high authority user
> >>> might help.
> >>> On Sep 6, 4:49 pm, Ant nio Ramos<>  wrote:
> >>>> Ok, seems to get someting now.
> >>>> I have to change in AS400 the permissions to allow my username to create
> >>> a
> >>>> table
> >>>> ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [IBM][Controlador ODBC do iSeries
> >>>> Access][DB2 UDB]SQL0551 - Not authorized to object **** in *N type
> >>> *USRPRF.
> >>>> (-551) (SQLExecDirectW)')
> >>>> How about using auth with as400 users. Is it possible?
> >>>> Thank you
> >>>> Em 6 de setembro de 2011 22:07, Ant nio Ramos<
> >>>> escreveu:
> >>>>> I tried the DAL Example and i could not connect to my AS400
> >>>>> does the DAL only works with db2 on windows or linux?
> >>>>> i have my db2 in a OS400 machine
> >>>>> Thank you
> >>>>> Ant nio
> >>>>> Em 6 de setembro de 2011 21:56, Ant nio Ramos<
> >>>> escreveu:
> >>>>> Great
> >>>>>> i tested the example from the python shell and i connected to my
> >>> company
> >>>>>> AS400 with success.
> >>>>>> FANTASTIC!!!!
> >>>>>> Tomorrow i will kick the ass of the RPG guy.
> >>>>>> :)
> >>>>>> 2011/9/6 Massimo Di Pierro<>
> >>>

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