I am new to web2py (I've been using Django), and I am confused about a 
couple of things. 

First, the presence of multiple controllers. 
I am trying to build a main app, called (say) www.example.com. 
So I would like to have something like www.example.com/index.html
But if I use the default.py controller, the URL that is automatically mapped 
is default/index.html, not index.html directly.  How do people typically 
organize their URL schema? 

Second, in the default setup, I see db.py and menu.py.   In db.py it is 
noted that I should really add my table declarations to another model file.  
But, all the logic to decide if web2py is running on appengine or not, etc, 
is all in db.py; if I write my table declarations in another file, do I have 
to cut and paste that logic?  Or how is this supposed to work?  All the 
example in the tutorial just edit db.py. 

Many thanks! --Luca

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