I have two tables, let's call them pages and revisions.  Every page has many 
revisions, so every revision contains the page as a foreign key.  The page 
has also one special revision which is the "live" one.  I am doing (cutting 
out the unnecessary code):

    Field('live_revision', db.revision),

    Field('page', db.page),

Now, the first reference to db.revision before the table is created raises 
an error.  In Django, this is solved by quoting the relation name, as in 
Is there a way to solve this in web2py?   
I could of course create a 

    Field('live_revision_id', 'integer')

but I see two problems with it: first, I lose the automatic way of doing 
e.g. page.live_revision.author to refer to the revision author, and second, 
I don't think that there is an universal guarantee that auto-generated row 
ids are integers (are they integers also in GAE?). 

This must be an issue that comes up often; what's the solution? 

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