Seems an interesting idea.

On Sep 26, 10:47 am, Matt <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Has anyone successfully used web2py to develop an app that does not
> use a database backend, but instead operates on a system using xmlrpc
> calls?
> Our current approach was to simply ignore web2py's models completely,
> putting all the functionality in the controllers and views. The
> problem with this approach is you begin to run into massive
> duplication of information that would usually be stored in models. I
> am interested specifically in two things:
>    - encapsulate schema information to (among other things) provide
> proper data validation
>    - ease of form generation
> Implementing a new fake database backend seems to be overkill here
> because we only need such a small subset of functionality offered by
> the DAL. Any suggestions would be welcome!
> Thank you,
> Matt

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