See (also, look at the 
comments on that post for additional options).

On Monday, September 26, 2011 1:06:14 PM UTC-4, Pepe Araya wrote:

> Hello, 
> I have a table where only store images related to x Article. 
> db_define_table('images',
>       Field('original_image', 'upload'),
>       Field('thumb_image', 'upload')
> Is efficient even, possible to make  'thumb_image' Field a computed Field?
> Something like:
>       Field('thumb_image', 'upload', *compute*= lambda r:*make_thumb*(r, 
> 85))
>  def *make_thumb*(r, thumb_size):
>     try:
>         from PIL import Image
>     except:
>         raise ImportError, "Requires PIL installed in your system."
>     size = (thumb_size, thumb_size)
>     ....
> Any help is welcome!
> thanks!

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