
I´m trying to build a random redirect application. Users selects from a number of links which to use. User has an address and folder, lets say www.redirecters.com/folder1, user2 has folder2. When somebody goes to folder1 my application should be able to by randon redirect that person to a new address.

The link selection part is ready, but thought I´d ask your opinion on what would be the best way to solve the redirecting.

1) my application creates based on selections a e.x. PHP script the takes care of everything

2) in every folder there is an redirect to my application that detects from which folder the redirect comes and seletecs an link and redirects again.

Is it possible to detect from what address an user arrives to an web2py page? Do you think a web2py would be too slow for this very simple task. A guess PHP would be much faster as it doesn´t use a database at all. Everything would be in one file.


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