Ok, Anthony's idea is like a million times better.

-1 for extending the div class


On Sep 27, 2:32 pm, kasapo <kas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm... so python does not like dashes within an identifier, making
> this troublesome. You'll have to first off, get ride of the dashes in
> "data-role", maybe just use underscores and rewrite them to be dashes
> when rendering them in XML.
> I think your best option is to create a new DIV class (or alter the
> existing definition of class... meaning you can't upgrade web2py
> easily).
> Here's an example of a "mobile DIV" class that extends the standard
> gluon class:
> class mDIV(DIV):
>     tag = 'div'
>     def _xml(self):
>         """
>         helper for xml generation. Returns separately:
>         - the component attributes
>         - the generated xml of the inner components
>         Component attributes start with an underscore ('_') and
>         do not have a False or None value. The underscore is removed.
>         A value of True is replaced with the attribute name.
>         :returns: tuple: (attributes, components)
>         """
>         # get the attributes for this component
>         # (they start with '_', others may have special meanings)
>         fa = ''
>         for key in sorted(self.attributes):
>             value = self[key]
>             if key[:1] != '_':
>                 continue
>             name = key[1:]
>             if value is True:
>                 value = name
>             elif value is False or value is None:
>                 continue
> ############ MODIFICATIONS TO XML FUNCTION HERE ##############
>             if name in ['data_role']: ### XXX - Add all other jQuery
> mobile micro-data formats to this list - XXX
>               name = name.replace("_",'-')
> ############ END MODS ##############################
>             fa += ' %s="%s"' % (name, xmlescape(value, True))
>         # get the xml for the inner components
>         co = ''.join([xmlescape(component) for component in
>                      self.components])
>         return (fa, co)
> Usage (note -- because I'm lazy I modified gluon/html.py, which is NOT
> a good idea)
> >>> from gluon.html import mDIV
> >>> mDIV('test', _data_role='test').xml()
> '<div data-role="test">test</div>'
> You could probably throw that in modules and local_import it or in
> models if it's used everywhere anyway. You would have to add the list
> of attributes used by jQuery mobile (i'm really not knowledgable about
> that).
> This brings up an interesting issue, since the current TAG atributes
> cannot contain dashes... this might be something that should be
> patched, but we also need a sound policy on how to denote the dash (I
> think converting non-leading underscores to dashes is fine, as I can't
> think of any HTML element attributes that contain underscores...but I
> could be terribly wrong.)
> Just my $0.02
> On Sep 27, 1:10 pm, Murray3 <cjjmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > how do we do this with DIV() Helper?
> > for instance in interactive i want to return a div element for
> > collapsible elements
> > >>>print gluon.DIV( data-role="collapsible" data-theme="contention")
> > thanks

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