Hi Juan,

On 28/09/2011 18:51, juanduke wrote:
Are you importing the required files?
Load your view in firefox, and check if firebug show some error loading
the required files or maybe is coding typo.

I /think/ so!

The JS is all there in Firebug, and I don't see any errors on page load - it's as if either the event that transforms the text area simply is not firing, or it cannot find its target.

Then show us the code you use it.

I've used NicEdit for now (simple to implement, but does not give me the control over the editor that I'd like), but I'd really like to get to the bottom of this, as I'd like to integrate other jQuery tools into my web2py app, and I think I'm failing to understand something fundamental.

I'll work through it again in a clean application, and report back with progress or code, depending on how I get on...




'a bell is a cup...until it is struck'

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