Thanks, your idea worked.

Just one more thing.

pl. notice the form's "action=".

<div id="deptEdt">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" id="frmDeptEdt"
action="{{=URL(('dept_save'), args=[arg1, arg2, 'I want to embed here
fields from Form'])}}">
Department <input type='text' id='deptname' name='deptname'
value="{{=department['deptnm']}}" />
<input type='submit' value='save' onsubmit="" />
'dept_save' controller saves data to DB and redirects the user to main

Since this is a custom-designed Form (i.e. not rendered by web2py
helpers), I can't use something like "form.vars.fieldname"
1) How do I access the contents of html elements for sending data to
2) After submitting the form, it is URLencoded format. How do I decode
the arguments


On Sep 29, 6:48 pm, juanduke <juan.fu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Vineet:
> First, visit this link:http://labs.blouweb.com/PowerGrid/and click in
> ->Docs Icons
> Is that the effect what you are lookin for?
> So, you can try doing this:
> on the view write an anchor A(...) with href="#"
> the with jQuery, select this anchor, and override the click event, something
> like this:
> #Asuming the anchor having id=target
> $('#target').click(function(e){
> alert('you click me!');
> });
> If you can se an alert, and no redirecting, you are doing right :)
> Next step is using jQuery.load function (search jquery documentation), to
> request an url and putting it inside a jquery dialog, then showing the
> dialog (here you can use nyroModal or jqueryui dialog)
> HTH!
> PS: I not tested the code
> Bye

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