VP... given that Web2py is written in Python it might adopt an existing 
JavaScript-based MVC framework for client side app development. As you've 
pointed out, it has already adopted the JavaScript-based library JQuery.
JQuery doesn't have a app framework but there's quite a few putting effort 
into MVC frameworks for "app" development.

Who knows... perhaps Web2py will adopt Spinejs :)

I've gotten my spinejs app to call a Web2py controller function, decorated 
with @service.jsonrpc
But when I return a non-number value, the client-side drops the ball. if I 
return an int or a float then spinejs handles the response and calls my 
"refresh" function enabling me to update the UI. Does this behaviour give a 
clue to where I'm slipping up?

The best way to predict the future is to invent it (1971, Alan Kay)

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