The suggestion above was not for admin but for auth. It can be adapted
to be used for admin.

On Oct 3, 10:10 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> make a file "models/" which contains:
> def _():
>     from import Recaptcha
>     key = 'login_from:%s' % request.env.remote_addr
>     num_login_attempts = cache.ram(key,lambda:0,None)
>     if num_login_attempts >= MAX_LOGIN_FAILURES:
>         auth.settings.login_captcha = Recaptcha(
>     def login_attempt(form,key=key,n=num_login_attempts+1):
>         cache.ram(key,lambda n=n:n,0)
>     def login_success(form,key=key):
>         cache.ram(key,lambda:0,0)
>     auth.settings.login_onvalidation.append(login_attempt)
>     auth.settings.login_onaccept.append(login_success)
> _()
> On Oct 3, 6:16 pm, sadik fanan <> wrote:
> > Hi , i am developing an online booking system on GAE..
> > .the developement is allmost
> > complete...recently i have come to know about brutforce attacks on web based
> > application for admin login...
> >  my application is in web2py framework
> > (python)...can anyone here please guide me on a functionality where in ,
> > the admin
> > login will be disabled after 5 wrong password entries ...
> > there any kind of
> > plugin available for this,,,
> > ,or any pre existing code that i can put into my code
> > to have this done....please reply on my mail id :
> > ..... if the
> > above mentioned thing is not possible at all
> >  in web2py , please suggest other ways
> > to make more secured admin login

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