Could you try the following plugin?
This is an alternative autocomplete widget that I developed, and could
handle unicode texts at least Japanese.

On 10月4日, 午後10:42, white fox <> wrote:
> hi, i use AutocompleteWidget for some of my field in db like this:
> = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request,
> dbMysql.qbp_gameindex.title, limitby=(0,30), min_length=4)
> everything is ok,till I search a none englis word like "تست" (this is
> a persian text) in this case autocomplete dose not work, because of
> "escape" function use in javascript, the input text converted to
> somthing like this "%u0645%u06CC%u0631%u0645"  a unicode text.
> to solve this issue i change some code in in gluon:
> in AutocompleteWidget function around the line of 526:
>     def callback(self):
>         if self.keyword in self.request.vars:
>             field = self.fields[0]
>             strSearch = self.request.vars[self.keyword]
>             strSearch = unicode(strSearch.replace('%', '\\'), "utf-8")
>             strSearch = strSearch.decode('unicode_escape')
>             rows = self.db( + '%'))\
> .select(orderby=self.orderby,limitby=self.limitby,*self.fields)
> so i add strSearch variable and do some stuff to get it work
> correctly.
> now i want to know is this the only way to solve this issue? is it
> correct way or i have security issue by doing this?
> thanks
> p.s: sorry for my bad english

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