It was written long ago. I do not believe there is a newer version
but, since you are working on it and testing, we can make a newer
one. ;-)

On Oct 5, 7:20 am, zukunftschauer <> wrote:
> Thanks for your help.  Your suggestion allowed me to get rid of the
> error.
> If I create an anchor with the source set you the URL, then I can
> click on it and get to a Google Checkout button, however, creating an
> image with the source set to the URL doesn't bring up any image.  I
> just get a broken placeholder, and then I have to view the source to
> see and activate the link.  I can make it work for my site as is, I
> just thought you should know what it is doing.
> You said it is a really old plugin.  Is the plugin just old, or am I
> just using an old version?  I found the link to download it in the
> Web2py Book, in chapter 12.  Anyway, thanks for your help; I was
> pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the dict error was.
> On Oct 3, 9:18 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> wrote:
> > This is an oldplugin... ouch!
> > Replace this:
> > <img
> > src="{{=URL(request.application,'plugin_google_checkout','button',
> > dict(next=''))}}" />
> > with this:
> > <img  src="{{=URL('plugin_google_checkout','button',
> > vars=dict(next=''))}}" />
> > On Oct 3, 9:18 pm, zukunftschauer <> wrote:
> > > Thanks for responding.  As I am just trying to test out theplugin, I
> > > have created a new application specifically for this.  As such, my
> > > files reflect only what is shown in theplugin'smodel file.
> > > Here are the contents of "/var/web2py/applications/
> > > Sample_Google_Checkout/views/default/index.html":
> > > {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > > <img
> > > src="{{=URL(request.application,'plugin_google_checkout','button',
> > > dict(next=''))}}" />
> > > Here are the contents of the controller:
> > > def index():
> > >     db.plugin_google_checkout_purchase.insert(
> > >      cart_id = 'Sample_Checkout',  # this your cart name
> > >      item_id = 1234,  # this your id for the item
> > >      name="Sample Item 1",
> > >      unit_price=135.25,
> > >      quantity=1)
> > >     return dict()
> > > Thanks again for your response.
> > > On Oct 2, 4:32 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > What's in  "/var/web2py/applications/Sample_Google_Checkout/views/
> > > > default/index.html" ?
> > > > On Oct 2, 1:26 pm, zukunftschauer <> wrote:
> > > > > I am trying to evaluate theGoogleCheckoutPlugin, but keep running
> > > > > in the same error.  I followed the instructions listed in the Model in
> > > > > theplugin.  I am new to web2py, and so far love it, but it you need
> > > > > more information than I have provided, please let me know.  I am just
> > > > > not experienced enough to track this down, and have tried searching
> > > > > everywhere for an answer to no avail.
> > > > > I am using the latest web2py (stable) version 1.99.2.  Thanks.
> > > > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > > >   File "/var/web2py/gluon/", line 194, in restricted
> > > > >     exec ccode in environment
> > > > >   File "/var/web2py/applications/Sample_Google_Checkout/views/default/
> > > > > index.html", line 101, in <module>
> > > > >   File "/var/web2py/gluon/", line 221, in URL
> > > > >     application = r.application
> > > > > AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'application'
> > > > > Error snapshot help
> > > > > <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>('dict' object has no attribute
> > > > > 'application')

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