
This kind of explains why pyodbc cannot run on apache under wsgi.

The below link solution may also work with you because I assume
Uniform server is built with correct compiler.


On Oct 12, 1:52 am, dlypka <dly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> P.S.
> In this scenario, you have to run web2py with
>    -i -p 8000
>    for example:
>        python web2py.py -a "<recycle>" -i -p 8000
> On Oct 10, 6:36 pm, dlypka <dly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Resolved:
> > After researching, I see this problem plagues many other developers as
> > well.
> > The root cause is that the Distribution Windows Build of Apache 2.2 is
> > built with msvcr71.dll which is the C++ runtime dll
> > for Visual Studio 2003!!! But, most recent builds of python .pyd files
> > which link to C/C++ code, are built with msvcr90.dll which is the one
> > from Visual Studio 2008.  As a result, Apache chokes with this obscure
> > error (failure to load a dll) whenever a pyd is imported that is built
> > with any C/C+ runtime which is not msvrcr71.dll.  If you run httpd.exe
> > from a command prompt, you will get an error popup for Microsoft error
> > R6034.
> > In particular, if you want to used sftp in python on Apache 2.2, you
> > cannot do so using the distributed Windows build of Apache 2.2.
> > However, there are lots of postings showing how to build Apache 2.2
> > yourself under Visual Studio 2008, so that would be the workaround for
> > running web2py on a Windows platform under Apache 2.2 when you are
> > doing sftp or something using C/C++ code. 
> > Seehttp://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.apache.devel/43600whereit
> > mentions that Apache 2.4 will finally
> > be built with a current Microsoft C++ runtime dll.
> >   Another workaround if you do not want to build Apache in VS 2008, is
> > to try to run web2py under IIS.
> > I got it working under IIS 7 on Vista, but yes, it is quite difficult
> > to do even with the easiest of the 3 methods
> > described in the web2py slice about IIS.  The easiest method is to use
> > Rocket together with IIS 7, where IIS 7 is used as a proxy for
> > Rocket.  Additional steps to take regarding what is mentioned in the
> > slice is to create web application in IIS 7 to serve as a kind of
> > surrogate for the web2py application. Plus the specifics of the
> > routes.py entries and of the .NET URL rewriter file
> > ManagedFusion.Rewriter.txt are pretty much have to discovered by
> > experimentation.
> > Here is what works for my web2py app named 'UETR' on IIS 7:
> > ManagedFusion.Rewriter.txt
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> > RewriteEngine On
> > RewriteBase /
> > RewriteRule ^(/)$1[R,NC]
> > c:\web2py\routes.py
> > -----------------------
> > default_application = 'UETR'    # ordinarily set in base routes.py
> > default_controller = 'default'  # ordinarily set in app-specific
> > routes.py
> > default_function = 'index'      # ordinarily set in app-specific
> > routes.py
> > routes_app = ((r'/(?P<app>welcome|admin|uetr)\b.*', r'\g<app>'),
> >               (r'(.*)', r'UETR'),
> >               (r'/?(.*)', r'UETR'))
> > routes_in = ((r'.*:/favicon.ico', r'/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
> >              (r'.*:/robots.txt', r'/examples/static/robots.txt'),
> >              (r'.*:/LTE1/index', r':8000/UETR/default/
> > index'),
> >              ((r'.*http:/localhost.* (?P<any>.*)', r'http://localhost:
> > 8000/UETR/default/index')))
> > routes_out = ((r'.*http://otherdomain.com.*/app/ctr(?P<any>.*)',
> > r'\g<any>'),
> >               (r'/app(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'))
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > -------------------
> > I created an ASP.NET 4.0 web application on IIS 7 whose Virtual
> > Directory name is 'LTE1'
> > In it, I used the Visual Studio 2010 wizard to create a basic web
> > application (hello world roughly).
> > In that web application I had to modify the web.config as per the
> > documentation for  ManagedFusion.Rewriter
> > I also created a 'bin' folder in LTE1 and copied the Managed Fusion
> > dll into into it.
> > The actual content of the .aspx pages in this .NET web app are
> > irrelevant as this app is never
> > rendered. Only its web.config is read and acted upon by Managed
> > Fusion, to cause the request to be passed to
> > the URL where web2py is running on Rocket at port 8000.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > ------------------
> > Now if I browse tohttp://
> >  It hits IIS 7 and magically reroutes to my UETR web2py app 
> > athttp://
> > More work is needed to refine it, but the basic functionality is
> > shown.
> > On Oct 6, 9:19 pm,dlypka<dly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > My web2py app which uses paramiko  sftp, works fine under the Rocket
> > > webserver,
> > > but fails here when run under the Apache 2.2 webserver, under WINDOWS
> > > VISTA Enterprise:
> > > •     File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\Crypto\Random\OSRNG\nt.py", line
> > > 28
> > > import winrandom  <------  failing to load some DLL  at line 28
> > > ----------
> > > from rng_base import BaseRNG
> > > I imagine it is some kind of permissions problem, maybe with having to
> > > load  a cryptographic C dll
> > > I have already run a Process viewer and cleaned up the PATH to avoid
> > > dll search failures.
> > > This is a proof of concept app to a major U.S. corporation. They have
> > > already seen it work under Rocket
> > > and are very excited to see it deployed under a standard webserver.
> > > An alternative is to use IIS7 but the web2py slice I read looked very
> > > difficult to follow so I am trying Apache first.
> > > We are also running Symantec anti virus (corporate edition) and we are
> > > locked out from being able to disable it.
> > > Not sure if antivirus interferes with Apache.  We only have this
> > > corporate PC to use at the moment.
> > > I would appreciate any clues or tips for configuring Apache to load
> > > paramiko sftp under Windows.
> > > Or links to straight-forward and $free steps for installing web2py
> > > under IIS 7 in Vista.

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