On 12 October 2011 14:59, stefaan <stefaan.hi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I have replaced my all my similar .js and .css files with that of the
> > welcome app but I see no popup panel.
> It may be that the old .css is cached in your browser and needs to be
> reloaded
>  - try to refresh the browser page once. That was the case for me.
> A new button "query" should appear left of the search edit field.
> If you click "query" a popup panel should appear underneath, in which
> you can define a simple expression. You can press either AND or OR
> button to close the popup panel, and see the expression appear.
> To make more complex expressions, you need to click query again,
> make a second simple expression, and then concatenate it to the first
> one
> by pressing either the AND or OR button.
Thanks for the reply.  It must have been a cache issue.  This morning it
works as you described it.

After playing a bit with it, I have two remarks:

1. Before reading your email again it was not clear to me how to get the
query to be activated until I tried to see what would happen if I click on
the   and/or buttons.  Only then I saw that those buttons add the query with
an 'and' or 'or'  to the existing query.

2. Fields referred to in the grid and which uses .represent-functions to
show the correct string, cannot be search using this query although when I
just type the strings in the search window without specifying the string it
also searches those fields.

3. Not all the fields in the grid appeared in the query-fieldlist and some
of the tables fields that were not used in the grid,  were there.


 May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need for
life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by
his own glory and excellence.
                                                    2 Pet. 1:2b,3a

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