Hello Web2py.

As a practice for integrating Qooxdoo and web2py. I had created a
Point of Sales system for my wife's sushi shop.

All people who have trouble integrating Qooxdoo, can base on my code.
It used multiple Qooxdoo features .

- Tables
- Folder Trees
- Events
- Event Bubbling
- Delegates
- Custom Class
- Datastore and controllers
- Remote Table

Now i decided to release it as opensource. Please check :



Web2py + Qooxdoo based resturant POS . Feel feel to use and contribute!
Started for my wife's Sushi Restaurant, and as a practice for Qooxdoo
framework , integrating with web2py.Now avaliable for everyone.This
project is not completed yet, but mostly functional.

Features :

- Full application UI powered by Qooxdoo

- AJAX View of item records using Qooxdoo table.

- AJAX View of sales records.

- Add new sales record.

- Add new items.

- Totals summary.

Todo :

- Sorting

- Filter by date (Clicking on left tree)

- Filtering by items (Clicking on left tree)

- Editing records

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