I tweeted about this already recently, but got no response.

I am looking for people who want to take the opportunity while New
Relic Python agent is in beta, to test out the web2py support we
provide. I had someone try a long long time back but we had issues. We
worked out since then that it was likely a uWSGI issue, but haven't
had anyone step up since who was interested in using New Relic with

For those those who don't know what New Relic is, it is a production
web application performance monitoring system. The easiest way to see
what it can do is browser through New Relic page at:


I have though also stuck up some specific screen shots of what a
web2py application being monitored by it using our Python agent looks
like at:


If you have ever used Django debug toolbar, it has overlapping
features, but with the big difference being that New Relic can be
deployed to your production application where as Django debug toolbar
is for development systems only.

Would be really nice to get the support for web2py checked out by
actual users of web2py and to work out what would be better things to
track or what else we can provide so we can include this with the
product when fully launched.

Right now we don't for example track time in DAL except as may be
picked up if running on top of a database such as PostgreSQL, MySQL or
SQLite. So don't see database breakout when DAL just using file
system. Also still need to work out what is required in web2py to
support end user monitoring support. Finally, not showing any
structure within templates either such as template blocks, within
transaction traces. As an example of what we could do there, have a
look at what we currently do for Django at:


The roadblock for adding more support is simply don't understand the
web2py internals enough to know where should monkey patch in to get
what we need.

Hopefully some of you will be interested in what we are doing and will
be interested in participating. I would also like to hope my prior
work in writing Apache/mod_wsgi puts me in good enough standing such
that you might at least give New Relic at least a quick once over to
learn what it is about. I know I am excited on working on this stuff
as it brings something to the Python web community which simply
doesn't exist and could be so beneficial to those who are serious
about wanting to deploy a well run production web site.

Just for the record. New Relic is a paid subscription service. For
access to all features will therefore cost money. When you signup and
deploy it you will get an initial Pro trial period of all features.
When that finishes it drops back to free Lite subscription level which
still gives you access to lots of useful features at no cost.

For more information on the Python agent for New Relic see:


The Python agent package for New Relic is available via the Python
package index or from New Relic site once you have created your

I monitor new deployments so will keep an eye out for anyone deploying
with web2py. If you have problems you can create a ticket at:


and I will get back to you.

Feedback almost most welcome. Would be good to try and get the level
of support for we2py up to the same sort of depth as we do for Django
but really need your help to get it there.


Graham Dumpleton

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