On Sunday, October 23, 2011 5:14:17 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I am not happy with extra. 
> Currently we have three mechanisms to deal with "extra" fields. 
> table._extra, lazy virtual fields, links in grid/smartgrid. None of 
> them are undocumented in the book which means that for none of them we 
> promise backward compatibility.

Right now, Row._extra is used to store the results of expressions (such as 
aggregate functions) in selects. The key used to store the expression is the 
expression itself, and I think that does have to remain backward compatible 
(i.e., row[expression] should retrieve the value of the expression returned 
by the select, regardless of the internal implementation). The question is 
whether it should be possible to do row[expression] = some_other_value 
(i.e., alter the value returned by the select). Currently it is not possible 
without hacking _extra. We could make it possible now, which would involve 
making an assignment to _extra in Row.__setitem__, and if the internal 
implementation of _extra fields in Row objects changes in the future, 
presumably we could just make sure the new implementation also allows such 
assignments. In other words, should the API allow assignments to expression 
results in Row objects (without reference to _extra), or should they remain 


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