Thank you Massimo.

Because having it work isn't enough I have a question out of morbid
curiosity/desire to learn the framework better.

Why must the fieldnames match between the Field('fieldname'...)
definition and form.errors.fieldname in my validating function in
order to get form.errors.fieldname to flash a form error?

Thank you.


On Oct 24, 10:25 am, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> Good solutions. Not everything can be done with built-in validators.
> On Oct 24, 12:13 am, TheSweetlink <> wrote:
> > Thank you all for your help.
> > I was able to resolve the problem quirky as it may be but here we go.
> > For science!!!
> > To get a type='list:string' to fail validation if none passed from
> > your SQLFORM.factory form:
> > 1) Used an onvalidation=... in my form.accepts(...) /
> > process(...).accepted / validate(...)
> > Within the validation function:
> > if not request.vars.choochoo:
> >     form.errors.choochoo = "Please select 1 or more witches before
> > burning them."
> > form.errors.fieldname <--- Unless the fieldname
> > matched .errors.fieldname, flashing form.errors.fieldname wouldn't
> > work.
> > To reiterate more simply, Field('choochoo'...) had to match
> > form.errors.choochoo in order to have
> > form = SQLFORM.factory(...)
> > if form.validate(...):
> >     do something
> > elif form.errors.choochoo:
> >     response.flash = form.errors.choochoo
> > ^^^^work when set from my onvalidation function
> > 2)  IS_NOT_EMPTY() constraint added after form = SQLFORM.factory(...)
> > form.element('#no_table_myawesomeselect')
> > ['requires']=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Please select 1 or more
> > witches before burning them.')
> > It wouldn't work when added to requires= in the Field(...) of my form
> > = definition but only when added after form is created but before
> > processing.
> > Now my errors flash from response as they should according to the
> > onvalidation function that's called.
> > Thanks again web2py community, you're wonderful as always.
> > David
> > On Oct 23, 11:21 pm, ニコノコ <> wrote:
> > > Eeugh. Sorry for the ugly suggestion. Post validation could
> > > def person_processing(form):
> > > if len(form.vars.field or '')<1:
> > >         form.errors.field= 'Select one.'
> > > On Oct 24, 10:32 am, Vasile Ermicioi <> wrote:
> > > > > How about:  db.table.field.requires = IS_LENGTH(1)
> > > > that will limit the field to one character, not to one value from set

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