> On Friday, October 21, 2011 2:05:29 AM UTC-4, Gwayne aka Mike Veltman wrote:
> > Gentle people,
> > 
> > First a remark I started playing with SQLFORM.grid and it was very ugly,
> > until
> > I did throw away my application and recreated it with the wizard, and
> > then it
> > was fine. ;-)
> Along with SQLFORM.grid, the 'welcome' app was updated with some new CSS in
> base.css to style the grid. If you add a grid to an older app without
> updating the CSS, it probably won't look right. Creating a new app (with
> the wizard or otherwise) will use the new CSS, so should look fine. You
> can find the new grid-related CSS at the bottom of base.css and copy it
> into the CSS file of your older app to get the grid to display properly.
> Anthony

Well, it looks very good now. Thanks for the information.

With regards,
Mike Veltman

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