Hi Anthony,

> Maybe these are just typos, but looks like you've got an extra ( at the
> beginning, and your select is coming from a different table than the query.

My bad, I stripped the query because it's much longer, and the entire
query isn't needed to get the picture.


> {{=LOAD('locator','imagetext.load',args=company.id,ajax=True,target='component')}}

so, without the <div id="component"></div>, results in weird
behaviour. When I first visit the page, the div just displays
Loading..., when I click the lesrooster link, the image link and the
text display as is:

image:link: imagename.png
text:text: <h4>Texttextext</h4> ...

.. and when I click the lesrooster link again, the timetable displays.

> Also, whenever a component fails to load properly, always check to make
> sure the action itself is returning something -- you can do that by going
> directly to the URL of the component: /yourapp/locator/imagetext.load


image:link: imagename.png
text:text: <h4>Texttextext</h4> ...


image:link: imagename.png
text:text: <h4>Texttextext</h4> ...

.. but in the generic view.

> > <div id= "footer">
> > {{=A('Lesrooster',callback=URL('timetable','timetable',args=[company.id]),target='component')}}
> > </div> <!-- footer -->

This works alright now.

I am stuck getting the image and text bit to work.

When I put a imagetext link on the page:


... and put these back in the view: <div id="component"></div>
The business card is being displayed correctly. But I cannot have
visitors click a link to display the image and text.

is there another way to fix this?

Kind regards,


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