On Saturday, October 29, 2011 1:30:58 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> There is a function called response.include_files() that is called in 
> web2py_ajax.html, which is likely included in the head of your layout.html. 
> Any files added to the response.files list prior to that being called will 
> be included in the head by response.include_files(). The default 
> layout.html as well as web2py_ajax.html itself both add files to 
> response.files. Perhaps plugin_jqgrid adds to response.files as well.

Note, specifically regarding HTML comments, how would the template engine 
be able to differentiate between your case (i.e., you want the stuff 
between the HTML comments not to appear in the rendered output at all) and 
the case in which you do want to render the content between the comments 
(which is usually the case when you enter comments in HTML)?


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