Open a ticket. this is a bug.

On Oct 28, 2:12 am, szimszon <> wrote:
> I have to tables
> db.define_table( 'wdirs',
>         Field( 'name', type = 'string',
>                 requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
> *(a)*     *format='%(name)s %(id)s'*
> )
> db.define_table( 'files',
>         Field( 'wdirs_id', db.wdirs,
>                     requires = IS_IN_DB( db,, "%(name)s %(id)s"
> ),
> *(b)*                 *represent = lambda id, row:*)
> )
> If I remove *(b)* than the SQLFORM.grid(db.files) displays only the record
> id in wdirs_id column. The wdirs' table format parameter isn't honored. I
> have to make the represent to be able to display the name of the wdir not
> only the record id.
> Am I right or I miss something?

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