ok, i feel like i am on the right path, getting hot.  i have this
sample code to break it down,

    q = """<i>ok dude, italic text.</i><br />
    <b>this is plain but bold text.</b><br />
    {{=A('web2py code', _href=URL('http://fscj.edu'))}}"""
    from gluon.template import render
    from gluon.storage import Storage
    context = Storage()
    q4 = render(content=q, context=context)

or more simpler

    q = """<i>ok dude, italic text.</i><br />
    <b>this is plain but bold text.</b><br />
    {{=A('web2py code', _href=URL('http://fscj.edu'))}}"""
    from gluon.template import render
    q4 = render(content=q)

i get the same error which ends in:

File "/opt/web-apps/web2py/gluon/template.py", line 916, in render
    exec(code) in context
  File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
NameError: name 'A' is not defined

make sense?  suggestions, please?  lucas

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