ok, thank you for completely clarifying for me.  it makes sense and it
is a matter or relative perspective.  now i am straight.

one additional question, the response.download function confuses me
still.  i get it that it is download to the client computer.  what i
don't get is its parameters.

response.download(request, db)

i get that it pulls the last argument from the request args to get the
filename.  but this db parameter makes no sense to me because the db
may have multiple tables and how does it know which table to pulll the
file from?  also, what if you have two fields in your "files" table,
one for the name of the file and the other for the extension, like
"pdf", how will response.download know which record to access to
download the correct file?  so, how does response.download know which
table and which row to pull the file from the database (db) to
download it to the client?

thank you in advance, lucas

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