Yes the app uses a customized auth.
That user field stores google accounts:

from google.appengine.api import users
google_user = users.get_current_user()

The error is raised from GAE but doesn't happen when I use the same
version of GAE with an older version of web2py.
Do you know what might have changed in web2py to break it?


On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
<> wrote:
> This is not a web2py error. You are declaring
> Field('user', gae.UserProperty()),
> what are you putting into this field? You seem to be re-implementing a
> lot of the auth logic yourself.
> On Nov 3, 10:07 pm, Richard Baron Penman <> wrote:
>> from trunk, now a different error:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/web2py/helpdesk/gluon/", line 204, in restricted
>>     exec ccode in environment
>>   File "/web2py/helpdesk/applications/helpdesk/controllers/",
>> line 11, in <module>
>>   File "applications/helpdesk/modules/", line 109, in __call__
>>     user_profile = UserProfile.get_or_create_from_session()
>>   File "/web2py/helpdesk/applications/helpdesk/models/",
>> line 234, in get_or_create_from_session
>>     return cls.from_session() or cls.create_admin()
>>   File "/web2py/helpdesk/applications/helpdesk/models/",
>> line 226, in create_admin
>>     id = cls.db.user_profile.insert(**data)
>>   File "/web2py/helpdesk/gluon/", line 5063, in insert
>>     return self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
>>   File "/web2py/helpdesk/gluon/", line 3464, in insert
>>     tmp = table._tableobj(**dfields)
>>   File "/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/db/", line
>> 945, in __init__
>>     prop.__set__(self, value)
>>   File "/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/db/", line
>> 599, in __set__
>>     value = self.validate(value)
>>   File "/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/db/", line
>> 3269, in validate
>>     raise BadValueError('Property %s must be a User' %
>> BadValueError: Property user must be a User
>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
>> <> wrote:
>> > Try the latest trunk.
>> > On Nov 3, 6:53 pm, Plumo <> wrote:
>> >> db.define_table('user_profile',
>> >>     Field('name'),
>> >>     Field('user', gae.UserProperty()),
>> >>     Field('email'),
>> >>     Field('active', 'boolean'),
>> >>     Field('role_worker', 'boolean'),
>> >>     Field('role_facilitator', 'boolean'),
>> >>     Field('role_admin', 'boolean'),
>> >> )

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