Hi there,

I'm facing a problem with GAE deployment. GAE still routes to Welcome
rather than my app when hitting www.myapp.com. And because I skipped
the Welcome app in app.yaml, it gives "invalid request". Tried
manually to go to "www.myapp.com/myapp/default/index", still "invalid
request". Things seem to be fine when running the app locally with
both web2py and GAE launcher. I even tried to give a new version
number and re-deploy, but the same happened.

Contents of routes.py modified as follows:

default_application = 'go2chongqing'    # ordinarily set in base
default_controller = 'default'  # ordinarily set in app-specific
default_function = 'index'      # ordinarily set in app-specific

routes_app = ((r'/(?P<app>go2chongqing|welcome|admin|app)\b.*',
              (r'(.*)', r'go2chongqing'),
              (r'/?(.*)', r'go2chongqing'))

routes_in and routes_out remain unchanged.
Can anybody help on this. Thanks in advance.


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