Further down in the chapter on scheduler there are these paragraphs.

Once a task exists (there is a record in the "scheduler_talk" table), is 
QUEUED, and is ready (*mmeets* all the conditions specified in the 
record) it can be picked up by a worker. As soon as a worker is available 
it picks the first ready task schduled to run. The worker *create(s)* an 
entry in a another table" "scheduler_run" (also create*(d)* by the 

The table "scheduler_run" stores the status of all running tasks. Each 
record references a task that has been picked up by a worker. *Once* task 
can have muliple runs. For example *on/a *task scheduled to repeat 10 times 
at 1h *distance/intervals?*, will probably have 10 runs (unless one *failes*or 
they take longer than 1h).

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