MassimoHere is a little demo app to display the problem. I tested against trunk updated about noon central time today.
Added this to contact = db.define_table('contact', Field('contactId', 'id'), Field('name', length=50, required=True), format='%(name)s') contact._plural = 'Contacts' tag = db.define_table('tag', Field('tagId', 'id'), Field('name', length=50, required=True), format='%(name)s') tag._plural = 'Tags' contactTag = db.define_table('contactTag', Field('contactTagId', 'id'),Field('contactId',, readable=False, writable=False, required=True, label='Contact'),
Field('tagId', db.tag, required=True, label='Tag')) contactTag.contactId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(name)s', zero=('select contact')) contactTag.tagId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.tag.tagId, '%(name)s', zero=('select tag')) Added this to def contacts(): columns = ['', 'contactTag.tagId'] orderBy = dict(contact=[]) contactTag._plural = 'Tags'grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(, columns=columns, details=False, orderby=orderBy,csv=False,paginate=15, maxtextlength=45)
return dict(grid=grid) def tags(): columns = ['', 'contactTag.contactId'] orderBy = dict(tag=[]) contactTag._plural = 'Contacts'grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.tag, columns=columns, details=False, orderby=orderBy,csv=False,paginate=15, maxtextlength=45)
return dict(grid=grid)I then went to and added a few tags... Then went to and added a contact....
then go back to and click on Tags. Then click on the query button. In the field drop-down, nothing appears:
-Jim On 11/4/2011 10:39 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
Can you post your code? I cannot reproduce your problem. Which web2py version? On Nov 4, 4:26 pm, Jim Steil<> wrote:Hi Testing some stuff with SQLFORM.smartgrid. When using the query/search on a related table, the query doesn't present any fields in the dropdown list and no matter what I put in the search field, it returns 'Invalid query'. Is anyone else seeing this problem as well? -Jim -- Jim Steil VP of Information Technology Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc. 608.935.2345 office 608.341.9896 cell
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