Everything seems to work with the following set up except for when
signing on with an incorrect password in which case the user gets
directed to "default/user/login" instead of

Basically I have moved the user function into a different controller
along with the corresponding view.

Here is the setup as it is:

views/layout.html - edited the auth nav bar as follows:



My user function is now in this controller instead of the default controller.


My user view is now in the corresponding view.

When a user types an incorrect password they get redirected to
default/user and get the message "invalid function (default/user)"

I tried setting auth.settings.login_url = URL('user', args='login')
to be:

auth.settings.login_url = URL('plugin_user_admin', 'user', args='login')

...in db.py but it does not have any effect on the redirect after a
failed login attempt.

Does anyone know a way to overide the default redirect URL on a failed
login to be the new location of my user function or get this working
some other way?



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