On Thursday, November 10, 2011 7:50:01 AM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> We still need to identify the div container to prevent the CSS rules apply 
> to generic tags (such as table and div).
> In the case under discussion, I used div.columns because it already 
> existed in the html layout.
> I noticed that the table is inside another div generic. We could give a 
> identities to it (eg"grid_container") and apply to this the css rules.
> In other words, if you remove the .columns references it will still work but 
> the css rules will also apply to all html table elements.

Only these two:

.columns table{width:100%;}
.columns table td:last-child{width:100%;} 

Everything else already has a web2py-specific selector. But using .columns 
is not helpful because when using Skeleton, virtually every bit of content 
is inside a .columns (or .column) div -- so all tables will be affected 
anyway. Instead, as you suggest, we should give a class to the grid div.


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