CSS files typically go in your app's /static/css folder, and you then have 
to make sure the CSS file gets linked in the page head (like any other CSS 
file). An easy way to include the CSS file is to do:

response.files.append(URL('static', 'cs/your_theme_file.css'))

in the controller action that needs the jquery-ui theme (or in your 
layout.html file if needed on most/all pages).


On Sunday, November 13, 2011 9:45:45 PM UTC-5, tomt wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm looking for an example of how to install and use a jquery theme 
> for SQLFORM.grid 
> I see that I can implement jquery-ui by defining: 
> form = SQLFORM.grid(query=db.table.field=='3',ui='jquery-ui') 
> I see that I can download a theme from http://jqueryui.com/download 
> but I don't know where to install it, or how to enable it.  I searched 
> the web2py group for examples, but I failed to find any. 
> I'd appreciate it if someone could post a working example of this 
> feature. 
> Thanks in advance,  - Tom 

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