Below works for me:
steps I followed. Your context may differ and customize accordingly.
1) define a db model with the fields you want; I wanted all emails to be 
stored too, so I defined this model
2) define two functions - a contact fn that gets called from template; the 
contact fn itself calls another fn to send email; in the template you can 
validate the fields like valid email id etc.
3) This is for sending emails from admin email; customization is needed if 

Here is the code:

def contact(): 
form = crud.create(db.contact_emails, 
next = URL('index'), 
message=T("Thank you for your message"))
return dict(form=form)

def _send_email(form):
#called from successful accept of contact form
#form is sent as a first argument
mail.settings.sender="" #This must be the email address of a 
                                       #administrator for the application
mail.settings.login = None
mail.send(to='', subject='[123-Check] Contact', 


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