Hi Bruno,

I tried both of these but neither one worked. I just wound up with an
empty table. I wasn't sure why you used Row objects in one list
comprehension and Storage objects in the other, but neither one
produced a list that the table likes. :( Not sure what's going on
there but there were no exceptions thrown and I know the raw rows list
is properly populated prior to the conversion to Rows.


On Nov 16, 8:09 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> wait, there is a better way.
> >>> from gluon.dal import Rows, Row
> >>> result = access.db.executesql("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM
> auth_user", as_dict=True)>>> rows = Rows(records=[Row(item) for item in 
> result])
> >>> rows[0].first_name
> u'Bruno'
> You can set other values for each Row.

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