You won't be able to restrict access to files in static (they are served 
without touching the application code). Instead, check 


On Friday, November 18, 2011 6:14:16 PM UTC-5, Dave wrote:
> I am starting a web2py app and need some help with the high level
> design. I am familiar with web2py but how to do what I am after is not
> immediately clear.
> My app will take jobs submitted by users that will eventually create
> CSVs files using a cron script and store them on the server's
> filesystem. Users will then be able to download their specific CSVs.
> Should I use the static directory with a subfolder for each user and
> then authenticate and authorize each user to only access their own
> folder? Also, since the file was never uploaded how would I go about
> creating URLs to the files to be downloaded?
> I'm sure there is a better way of doing this and a point in the right
> direction would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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