My answer did not get posted. Trying again...

auth.settings.register_onvalidation = do_my_postvalidation_stuff
auth.messages.registration_successful =  'Thank you for registering'
form = auth.register()  #does its own call to form.process()


form = SQLFORM(db.auth_user)
if form.process(onvalidation=do_my_postvalidation_stuff).accepted:
   session.flash = 'Thank you for registering'

On Nov 25, 12:22 am, Dave <> wrote:
> I'm a bit stumped on this one...
> I need to do some 'stuff' after either a user registeres or updates
> their profile.  Basically there's a half dozen boolean fields which
> correspond to mailing lists the user may "opt-in" to.  I tried
> customizing the default/user controller like so:
> form = auth.register()
> if form.process(onvalidation=do_my_postvalidation_stuff).accepted:
>    session.flash = 'Thank you for registering'
> It seems that the form.process OR form.accepts(request,session) does
> not work if I let the form be generated by using form = auth() or form
> = auth.register().
> Short of writing my own whole registration and profile management
> controllers, is there an easy work around here?  When I submit the
> form nothing happens.  I've even tried putting a debug `print 'got
> here'` type message inside the validation method and if construct
> above.

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