
I am trying to solve a problem (all day long and I cannot find the source
of this)

I have a comment form in a page, also I have another page with edit form,
and one with create form.

Every form works ok with Google Chrome, I also tested in Midori and
Safari(running on wine) and it works ok.

But, I tested two versions of firefox on windows and linux and any form is
accepted with firefox. The form is submitted, but the form.vars is always
blank, so it not reach the accepted state.

The form is simple:

> *form = SQLFORM(db.comments, formstyle='divs')
> **if form.process().accepted:
> **   # I DO some stuff here, but only reachs here in chrome, not in
> firefox*

I already tested another methods as accepts(), validate() and using
onsuccess and onvalidation but nothing works.

If somebody knows what can be the source of this here are the test pages:

 OR http://labs.blouweb.com/movuca/article/show/2/vegetarian-cheese

In any article (of any article_type) you have a comment box, login with*
t...@test.com* and *1234*.

Try to post a *comment* with Chrome, then try with firefox.

Also (still logged in)

http://labs.blouweb.com/movuca/article/new/Article OR

The create and the respective edit forms (click edit in the article view)

These forms only accepted with another browser but not with firefox *5* to *

Does anybody knows any issue with this browser?

Thank you.


Bruno Rocha

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