Hi Massimo,

The code is a lot and will take a while to extract it but basically the 
issue is - 
when I am using redirect the page is showing correct but in browser 
address bar I see the old link.

basically the redirect link is set here:
auth.settings.register_next = '/myapp/default/myinfo'
and I expect to see '/myapp/default/myinfo' but I see the
old link.

Same with reset_password - I get the email message,
click, go to page, where I change the password, it redirects 
to where auth.settings.change_password_next = '/login' 
is set but the browser address bar is staying something like that:
it does not changes to /login when redirected to login.

Now if I enter in /login the new login info, it returns 'invalid login'
because the address bar is still

If I type in the address bar /login manually and hit Enter,
the login page comes and I can Login with the changed password.

Also - I commented user_info fields First, Last name and username
and I can use email/password login - the simplest possible. The question
is - would it have any side effects? It works fine so far. I can retrieve
passwords with email username so to say.

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