These slides are really intresting, an english version sould be a must!

2011/12/5 Alan Etkin <>:
> I think that large python files turn difficult to read (specially if
> you are contributing to the code)
> Here are some recommendations for big sites/apps (in spanish) by
> Martín Mulone:
> On Dec 5, 4:57 am, Ryan DowlingSoka <> wrote:
>> Hi there! I started creating a website for a game at my college with
>> web2py last winter, and this winter I am cleaning up a lot of the
>> things I did rushed, and making it something that others can use...
>> IE: not so reliant on me creating one time use controllers, or going
>> straight to the shell to fix things.
>> With that in mind, my default controller has become what appears to be
>> a bloated beast of a python file and I'm wondering if I am right that
>> I need to do something about it, or if I should just clean it up where
>> I can and keep it all together.
>> A big part of me loves compartmentalized modules, with a couple of
>> functions in each, and I feel like for what I am doing it seems weird
>> that I am writing what i would consider utility functions in the
>> controller that also does page logic.
>> For example, in the game the site is for a database has to often be
>> checked to see what team the user is on, this can change rapidly and
>> is needed in lots of places, so I created a utility function called
>> "zombieTest()" with an optional argument for an inputted id number.
>> In my mind I want this to be in the 'modules' folder and imported in.
>> In practice this raised a bit of problems for me. When I finally
>> started doing just that i realized a couple of things: first off db's
>> have to be passed in, so it just adds another layer to using the
>> zombieTest. It seems like I would always be putting in zombieTest(db),
>> and if I want to test the current user id zombieTest(db, auth)
>> Or maybe always requiring to be passed in directly for
>> the id number.
>> And while I could do that it just seems like a step backwards....
>> ...
>> So I come to the much more experienced people at this than myself, and
>> ask:
>> "Is the default controller being around 100kb a real issue?"
>> "Is it wrong to create utility like functions like the one above that
>> aren't ever meant to support views in the controller?"
>> and if so-
>> "How do I keep similar functionality, but put them in the correct
>> place, or seperate the controllers."
>> and if not:
>> "When should I seperate the controllers- or should I only do that for
>> parts of the site that are practically seperate for eachother?"
>> Thanks! I just realized that I might be making my life harder rather
>> than easier so I thought I would ask before I go much farther.

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