
Thanks for your offer to help with this.  The best way to help right
now would be to provide me a smallish pcap file that records it
happening so I can see which parts of the files are missing.

Timothy Farrell

On Dec 5, 9:07 pm, David Tse <muka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm experiencing this problem as well, and signs on my side are also
> pointing to Rocket.  Although my case is a little different because I'm not
> currently experiencing this problem with web2py, but I'm using Rocket by
> itself to serve a light-weight service using a smaller micro-framework.
>  However, I have experience this in the past with web2py, and I forgot what
> I did at the time but the problem went away somehow.
> Back to the issue at hand.  I'm current using Rocket to serve a tiny WSGI
> app and using bottle.py as the framework, and I've seen large file
> downloads (100MB+) missing anywhere between 8 to 32 KB, usually 8K.  I've
> tested with serving directly with Rocket and also proxy-ing Rocket behind
> Nginx.  I'm also using SSL when serving directly with Rocket, and Nginx
> doing the SSL when running behind it.  The issue is somewhat intermittent,
> and for some reason it seems to happen less behind Nginx but still does.  I
> primarily use curl for my testing, and when it does happen curl would get
> stuck near the very end and times out after a while.
> I'm running with Rocket 1.2.4, on Ubuntu 10.04.  The problem goes away if I
> change to cherrypy or gevent, which is what leads me to think it might be
> Rocket.  I found this thread when googling to see if anyone else was
> experiencing this in the web2py community.  I'd be happy to help track this
> down.

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