I have 3 tables:
  db.post, (post title, post content)
  db.tag, (tag names)
  db.post_tags (1:N relationship)

I want to create a page to allow a post to be created and tags to be
added to the post.
The tags can be existing or new.

I can create the form with SQLFORM + extra form elements (a field for
Tags to be added to the post).

But my real issue is... how can I implement the tags part in the
controller so that I can:
  insert new tag names into db.tag and insert relationship into
db.post_tags, and
  take the existing tag ids from db.tag and update_or_insert
relationship into db.post_tags

I imagine I can do this with jQuery/AJAX (which I am not expert at),
but can this be more easily accomplished in the controller with web2py
(probably under form.process().accepted or form.validate().accepted?)

Appreciate any help to get me going with this. Thanks!

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