It takes a maxtextlength argument -- just set it to a large number. In that 
case, you might want to change the td CSS so there's a max-width (and maybe 
a min-width) with white-space set to normal (instead of nowrap, which could 
lead to very wide columns)/


On Monday, December 19, 2011 1:57:35 PM UTC-5, Nico Palumbo wrote:
> When doing this the assignee, summary and dependencies columns are
> trunc [shortened]. How can I prevent this to happen?
> This is the code:
>             db.buglist.insert(bug_id=bugid,dependencies=deps,sev=severity,
> prio=priority, assignee=assigned_to, status=bug_status,
> summary=short_desc)
>     grid = 
> SQLFORM.grid(db.buglist,searchable=False,paginate=0,details=False,deletable=False,create=False,editable=False,user_signature=False)
>     return locals()

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