Hi LightDot,

Thanks for the remind. Actually WYMeditor was on my radar. I love its
clean output code philosophy. However its default look-and-feel could
surprise my end users, I am afraid. For example, those heading
1/2/3/.../6 containers look scary red when editing, although they look
"normal" again when previewing. See 

Maybe WYMeditor does this on purpose, but I expect an editing
experience would be less surprising to end users. (The least-
surprising rule when designing a UI.)

That said, I think that is "just" a css issue. So if someday I found a
handy css for it, then I would fall in love with WYMeditor.


On Dec 22, 1:45 am, LightDot <light...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree, most of the better known editors are bloated. I try to keep away
> if I can, especially from tiny and ckeditor. I haven't used elrte before,
> it seems a bit better. I have used jHtmlArea on a couple of projects with
> success, but lately I prefer WYMeditor. The .js is about 120kb minified,
> though, so still way bigger that jHtmlArea.
> It's a strict XHTML WYSIWYM editor (not WYSIWYG, looks even better as far
> as I'm concerned). It needs a bit of UI polishing, but it produces great
> code. If anyone tries it out, I strongly suggest using the latest beta
> releases or the code from the repo. Old stable releases are pretty stale.
> https://github.com/wymeditor/wymeditor

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