JF, did you try to remove "default=request.now" from "created_on"?

On Dec 27, 4:55 pm, JF <jf_sic...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Have another issue.  It seems the datetime in my archive will always be the
> datetime of creation of the initial record, not the updates.
> Here is a glimpse of the Model:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
> db.define_table('part',
>     Field('iditm', db.item),
>     Field('idbsn', db.business),
>     Field('mpn', 'string'),
>     Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=request.now,
> update=request.now, readable=False, writable=False),
>     Field('created_by', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id, readable=False,
> writable=False))
> db.define_table('part_archive',
>     Field('current_record', db.part), db.part)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
> And here is a glimpse of the Controller:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
> @auth.requires_login()
> def edit():
>     "edit an existing mpn page"
>     thispage = db.part[request.args(0)]
>     if not thispage:
>         redirect(URL(r=request, f='index'))
>     form = crud.update(db.part, thispage, onaccept=auth.archive,
>         next = URL(r=request, f='edit', args=request.args),
>         deletable = False)
>    archive = db(db.part_archive.current_record==thispage.id).select()
>    return dict(form=form, thispage=thispage, archive=archive)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
> I thought the "update=request.now" in the Model would update the Field
> 'created_on'.
> What would be a good way to update this field whenever the Record is
> updated?  I want to archive the datetime a table is updated.
> Thanks,
> JF

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