I don't know what you're trying to do, but maybe you should read this

If you have products A, B and C; and, B and C relate to A; then that's
what you need to read.

> Any way to prevent this?
Yes.  Don't refer to the product table twice in your related product

On Dec 26, 7:18 am, Jim Gregory <bikesatw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am creating an application that has a one-to-many table that
> references the same table twice:
> db.define_table('product',
>     Field('title', required=True, unique=True),
>     Field('sku', required = True, unique=True),
>     Field('description', 'text'),
>     format = '%(title)s'
>     )
> db.define_table('related_product',
>     Field('product_id', db.product, writable=False),
>     Field('product', 'reference product'),
>         )
> If I create a smartgrid on the 'product' table using:
> def product():
>     return dict(grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(
>         db.product,
>         linked_tables=['related_product'],
>         ))
> the "related_product" table appears twice because it references the
> "product" table twice.  Any way to prevent this?
> -Jim

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