Thank you Joseph and Jonathan - I'll look into the methods you both
suggested! :)

On Dec 27, 11:39 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2011, at 2:49 AM, lyn2py wrote:
> > I already have in
> > routers = dict(
> >    BASE = dict(
> >        default_controller='default',
> >        default_function='index'
> >    )
> > )
> > How should my code be organized so that I can achieve:
> > --> shows all the items
> > --> displays details of item #127
> > Right now, it's being done this way:
> > --> shows all the items
> > --> displays details of item #127
> > Must the changes be made to or can the code base be slightly
> > modified to achieve it?
> An easy way is to put the item number in a query string:
> Another way would be to use the function default/items instead of items/index.
> If you really, really want items to be a controller and have the URL syntax 
> you're looking for, use something like this:
> routers = dict(
>    yourapp = dict(
>        functions = { 'items' : ['index', ... ] }
>    )
> )
> The idea is that you need to inform the router of the function names in the 
> items controller.
> Suggestion: looks a little more natural than items/127, 
> at least to me. Easiest to do by putting your code in default/item and 
> default/items.

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