That's probably because default_controller defaults to 'default', and 
default_function defaults to 'index' -- you might get the full URL if you 
explicitly set those to None in your router (haven't tried it).


On Thursday, January 5, 2012 3:53:11 PM UTC-5, Leopold wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I have an application "myapp" which I want to make it the default app 
> when I navigate to the base domain (let's say "localhost" for now). By 
> adding: 
>     default_application = 'myapp', 
> to the routers BASE dict in I am able to do that, however it 
> shortens the resulting url from "localhost/myapp/default/index" to 
> just "localhost". 
> I read that if I still want the complete url to be displayed by the 
> browser I should add: 
>     applications = None, 
> to the same dict, however it doesn't work, it still shows the short 
> form of the url (displaying myapp as it should). 
> Here's the dict I added in 
> routers = dict( 
>     # base router 
>     BASE = dict( 
>         default_application = 'calidad', 
>         applications = None, 
>     ), 
> ) 
> I hit Reload routes and even close and start web2py again but still 
> the application name gets removed. 
> Any help? 
> Thanks.

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