SQLFORM.grid takes a query as the first argument, and you are passing a 
Rows object instead (i.e., you have applied the .select() method to your 
query). Just pass in the query without the .select().


On Monday, January 9, 2012 6:12:55 AM UTC-5, Rahul wrote:
> Hi All, 
>       Why do I get this error Error - AttributeError: 'Rows' object 
> has no attribute '_db'. Please have a look at the code given below. 
> Whenever I hit the myfriends url, I get the below issue. 
> =============ERROR================ 
> Ticket ID 
>  <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> 'Rows' object has no attribute 
> '_db' 
> Version 
>  web2py™ 
> (1, 99, 4, datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 14, 14, 46, 14), 'stable') 
> Python 
> Python 2.7.2: C:\Python27\python.exe 
> Traceback 
> Traceback (most recent call last): 
> File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 204, in 
> restricted    exec ccode in environment 
> File "D:/WEB2PY/web2py/applications/Build_Connect/controllers/ 
> default.py", line 735, in <module> 
> File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 172, in <lambda> 
> self._caller = lambda f: f() 
> File "D:/WEB2PY/web2py/applications/Build_Connect/controllers/ 
> default.py", line 707, in myfriends    csv=False, maxtextlength=128, 
> paginate=50) 
> File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 1455, in grid    db = 
> query._dbAttributeError: 'Rows' object has no attribute '_db' 
> ============= 
> -------Here's the code--------- 
> My Controller: 
> #This lists friends 
> def myfriends(): 
>     db.friends.id.readable=False 
>     query = db((db.friends.reguserid==session.logged_in_user_id) & 
> (db.friends.status=="Friend")).select(db.friends.friend_name) 
>     print db._lastsql 
>     fields = (db.friends.id, db.friends.reguserid, 
> db.friends.friendid, db.friends.status, db.friends.friend_name,) 
>     headers ={'friends.id': 'ID', 
>               'friends.reguserid': 'ReguserID', 
>               'friends.friendid': 'FriendID', 
>               'friends.status': 'Status', 
>               'friends.friend_name': 'Friend Name', 
>               } 
>     #default_sort_order = [db.friends.friendid] #, 
> db.projects_posts.expected_start_date 
>     links = [lambda row: A(SPAN(_class='icon check'),'View 
> Profile',_class='positive button',_title='View this friends profile', 
> _href=URL("default","view_friend_profile",args=[row.friendid])), 
>              lambda row: A(SPAN(_class='icon cross'),'Remove 
> Friend',_class='negative button',_title='Remove from friend list', 
> _href=URL("default","remove_friend",args=[row.friendid]))] 
>     table = SQLFORM.grid( query=query, #fields=fields, 
> #headers=headers,  #orderby=default_sort_order, 
>                           user_signature=False, links=links, 
> create=False, searchable=False, 
>                           details=False, showbuttontext=False, 
> deletable=False, editable=False, 
>                           csv=False, maxtextlength=128, paginate=50) 
>     return dict(table=table) 
> #View Friends Profile 
> def view_friend_profile(): 
>     session.myfriendid = request.args[0] 
>     #print session.myfriendid 
>     query = db(db.reguser.id==session.myfriendid).select() 
>     table = SQLFORM.grid(query=query) 
>     return dict(table= table) 
> #Remove Friend from Friends list 
> def remove_friend(): 
>     session.myfriendid = request.args[0] 
>     db((db.friends.reguserid==session.logged_in_user_id) & 
> (db.friends.friendid==session.myfriendid) ).update(status='Rejected') 
>     #print db._lastsql 
>     return dict() 
> ----x----------------------- 
> My View: (myfriends.html) 
> {{extend 'layout.html'}} 
> <h3>Friends List</h3> 
> <head> 
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL(r=request,c='static',f='css/ 
> css3buttons.css')}}" media="all" /> 
> </head> 
> <hr /> 
> {{=table}} 
> -----------x--------------------------------- 
> My Table in db.py 
> reqstatus = ["Friend","Rejected","Sent"] 
> db.define_table('friends', 
>                 Field('reguserid'), 
>                 Field('friendid'), 
>                 Field('status', requires=IS_IN_SET(reqstatus)), 
>                 Field('friend_name'), 
>                 ) 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
> I am using  - web2py1.99.4 , Win7 and python 2.7 
> Sincerely, Rahul D 

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